Yearly Archives - 2019

Pets Animal Wills

How To Care For Your Pet On Your Passing?

Wills for Pets

As Australia has one of the highest rates of pet ownership in the world, it is no wonder that more people are considering how to care for their pets once they have passed away. In the eyes of the law pets are classified as property and as such can be dealt with under a persons Will. What this means is that while you cannot leave a bequest directly to your pet, you can ensure...

what is a will

Understanding Wills – What is a Will?

What is a will?

It is commonly asked what is a will. A will is a document which expresses how and to whom the property of an individual (the testator) will be distributed after their death. It is prudent to engage a solicitor and give clear instructions regarding how and to whom your property will be distributed after your death to ensure the validity of your will. Under a will, a trustee holds property on trust for the nominated beneficiaries and an...

Additional Foreign Acquirer Duty

Additional Foreign Acquirer Duty

Additional Foreign Acquirer Duty - What You Need to Know!

Additional foreign acquirer duty (AFAD) is an additional duty that applies to foreign acquirers purchasing residential property in Queensland. From 1 July 2018, the Queensland Government increased the AFAD amount from 3% to 7%. This means that a foreign person now needs to pay an additional 7% transfer duty to the Government when acquiring residential land in Queensland.

Who has to pay AFAD?

AFAD applies to “foreign persons” who include: Foreign individuals – an individual...

off the plan olsen lawyers

When Buying Off The Plan Doesn’t Go To Plan

When Buying off the plan doesn’t go to plan – changes to my disclosure statement, can I terminate?

Choosing to buy a property off the plan means you are entering into a contract before the construction has been completed or commenced. Changes in market conditions or other changes during construction can mean things don’t always go as planned.

Difference between buying off the plan and a standard contract for sale

Most standard contracts of sale settle in thirty to sixty days. Buying off...


Will Mandatory Meth-Testing of Rentals become Law in Queensland?

Mandatory Testing

A New South Wales woman has been forced to vacate her house after learning that the dwelling was found to contain residue of methamphetamine. The drug commonly known as ‘ice’. After being ill for months, she was horrified to learn that her house contained residue of the drug and that all of her possessions were contaminated as a result. This unfortunate personal story highlights important questions regarding not only the feasibility and likelihood of mandatory meth-testing at the cost...